011925 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: Jesus Revealed to the Disciples - John 2: 1-11
011225 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: Jesus Baptized - Luke 3: 15-22
010525 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: God's Salvation Plan Foretold - Jonah 3
122924 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Divine Design - Colossians 3: 12-17
122224 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Advent: Love Lived Among Us - Luke 1-2:40
121524 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Advent: True Joy - Philippians 4: 4-7
120824 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Advent: Preparation for Christ's Return - Philippians 1: 4-11
120124 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Advent: Hope of Christ's Return - Luke 21: 25-36
112424 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Running the Race - Hebrews 12: 1-17
111724 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Cloud of Witnesses - Hebrews 11
111024 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Christ, The Real Salvation Plan - Hebrews 9
110324 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Our Eternal High Priest - Hebrews 7: 23-28
102724 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Christ, our High Priest: Chosen by God - Hebrews 5: 1-9
102024 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Christ, our High Priest - Hebrews 4: 14-16
101324 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Daily Wisdom: Closing Words to the Wise - James 5: 1-20
100624 - Rev Joel Collier - Heart Hunger - 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:20a
092924 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Word to the Wise - James 4: 1-12
091524 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Daily Wisdom: Faith Without Works Is Unhelpful - James 2: 14-18
090824 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Daily Wisdom: Listen and Do - James 1: 16-27
090124 - Personal Testimonies - (Pastor Trisa out sick)
082524 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Blessings: Fight the Good Fight - Ephesians 6
081824 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Blessings: Walk Right - Ephesians 5
081124 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Blessings: House Rules - Ephesians 4
080424 - Pastor Joel Collier - Children of God
072824 - Pastor Joel Collier - Discipleship
072124 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Blessings: Spiritual Mystery Revealed - Ephesians 3
071424 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Blessings: Reconciliation - Ephesians 2
070724 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Blessings - Ephesians 1: 1-14
063024 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Old vs. The New: New Life, New View, New Job - 2 Corinthians 5: 11-21
062324 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Old vs. The New: Celestial Bodies - 2 Corinthians 5: 1-10
061624 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Old vs. The New: Today and Tomorrow - 2 Corinthians 4
060924 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Old vs. The New: Restored to Imago Dei - 2 Corinthians 3: 7-18
060224 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Old vs. The New - 2 Corinthians 3: 3-6
052624 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Witnesses for Christ: Adopted into the Family of God - Romans 8: 14-17
051924 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Witnesses For Christ: Empowered By The Christ - John 20:19-22 & 1 Corinthians 12:3-13
051224 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Witnesses For Christ: GO! - Mark 16: 15-20
050524 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Commands of God: Living in Victory - 1 John 5: 1-6
042824 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Commands of God: Live Love, part 2 - 1 John 4: 1-12
042124 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Commands of God: Live Love! Not Just Words - 1 John 3: 18-24
041424 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Commands of God: Live Righteously - 1 John 3: 1-10
040724 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Commands of God: Live Like Jesus - 1 John 2: 1-6
033124 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Resurrection Day: New Life - John 20: 1-9; Colossians 3: 1-4
032424 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: Betrayal, Denial, and Sacrifice - Mark 14 and 15
031724 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: Jesus Prayed For Us - Hebrews 4: 14 - 5: 9
031024 - Reverend Joel Collier - Ministering from a God Encounter - Matthew 25: 31-46
030324 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: The Foolishness of God - 1 Corinthians 1: 18-30
022524 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: Jesus Revealed to the Three - Mark 9: 2-10
021824 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: Jesus Revealed to the People - Mark 1: 1-15
021124 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: Jesus Revealed to the Unclean - Mark 1:40 - 2:12
020424 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: Jesus Revealed to the Sick and Suffering - Mark 1: 29-39
012824 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A Fresh Start: Gratitude - Luke 17: 11-19
012124 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A Fresh Start: Hens & Chicks - Luke 13: 31-35
011424 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A Fresh Start: How God Works - Mark 8: 27-38
010724 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A Fresh Start: Including The Outcast - Luke 19: 1-10
123123 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A Reason To Love, Part II - Colossians 3: 12-17
122423 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Advent: A Reason To Love, Part I - 1 John 4: 7-12
121723 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Advent: A Reason To Be Joyful - Luke 2: 1-20
121023 - Pastor Fred Douglas - He Is Our Peace - Luke 2:14
120323 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Advent: A Reason to Hope - Luke 2:25-38
112623 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Caught Up to Meet Him, Part 2 - 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-11
111923 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Caught Up to Meet Him, Part 1 - 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18
111223 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Straight From God's Mouth - 1 Thessalonians 2: 7-13
110523 - Dr. Joel Collier - The Best Is Yet To Come - John 2: 1-11
102923 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A God Who Supplies - Philippians 4: 12-20
102223 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - What You've Learned - Do! - Philippians 4: 4-9
100823 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Emphasis on the Right Syllable - Philippians 3: 1-11
100123 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Mind of Christ - Philippians 2: 1-11
092423 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Beware, Saints! - Romans 16: 17-20
091723 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Way of Harmony - Romans 14: 1-19
091023 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Debt You'll Always Owe - Romans 13: 8-14
090323 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Our Bodies, Our Worship - Romans 12: 1-8
082723 - Dr. Joel Collier - Becoming a Mature Church - Ephesians 4: 11-16
082023 - Dr. Joel Collier - Jesus' Baptism: Square One for Spiritual Life - Matthew 3: 1-17
081323 - Dr. Joel Collier - Growing in Christ: Hearing God's Wisdom
080623 - Dr. Joel Collier - Growing in Christ: Relationship - Colossians 1:24-29; Ephesians 3:14-19; John 15:1-11
073023 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - God's Eternal Love: Past, Present, Future - Romans 8: 26-39
072323 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - All of Creation Groans - Romans 8: 18-25
071623 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - God Within - Romans 8: 1-14
070923 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Freedom to Live for God, Part II - Romans 6: 12-23
070223 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Freedom to Live for God, Part I - Romans 6: 1-11
062523 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - God Has Set Things Right - Romans 3: 21-31
061823 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Pray to The Lord of the Harvest - Matthew 9:35-10:8
061123 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Eat and Live - John 6: 51-58
060423 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Gospel Simply Explained - John 3: 16-18
052823 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Pentecost: Now That Jesus is Gone - Acts 2: 1-13
052123 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Departs - Matthew 28: 16-20
051423 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Never Alone - John 14: 15-21
050723 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - I Am, So You Are - John 14: 1-14
043023 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Know His Voice - John 10: 1-10
042323 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus in Plain Sight - Luke 24: 13-35
041623 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Believe! - John 20: 19-31
040923 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - RESURRECTION - John 20: 1-9
040223 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Via Dolorosa - The Road of Sorrow - Matthew 26:14-27
We're sorry no audio recording for this week, technical difficulties.
032623 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Your Friend is Sick: When Jesus Doesn't Come Quickly - John 11: 1-45
031923 - Pastor Emeritus Glen Hossler - Walking on Water - Matthew 14:22-23 (Mark 6:45-56; John 6:16-24)
031223 - Pastor Robert Igarta - Got Faith?
030523 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Transfiguration: The Son of Man Coming to His Kingdom - Matthew 17: 1-9
022623 - We apologize, there is no recording for this Sunday. It was a snow and ice day, so we opted to worship via a Zoom meeting instead of live at the church. See you next week!
021923 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A Different Way - Matthew 5: 38-48
021223 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Law Fulfilled - Matthew 5: 17-37
020523 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Salt and Light - Matthew 5: 13-16
012923 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Develops the Disciples' Attitude - Matthew 5: 1-12
012223 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Begins His Ministry - Matthew 4: 12-23
011523 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Lamb of God - John 1:29-34
010823 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Led by the Star, Led to the Son - Matthew 2:1-12
010123 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Peace on Earth - Luke 2: 8-20
122522 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Day Heaven Came to Earth - Luke 2: 1-14
121822 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Joseph: Man of Valor - Matthew 1: 18-24
121122 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Should I Look For Another? Signs of the Messiah - Matthew 11: 2-11
120422 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Clear the Road for Jesus - Matthew 3: 1-12
112722 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - The Sign of Noah - Matthew 24: 37-44
112022 - Pastor Ivan Marble
111322 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Don't Fear the Future - Luke 21: 5-19
110622 - Sorry, we did not have any heat in our building today, so no recording was available.
103022 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Unexpected Company - Luke 19: 1-10
102322 - INSTALLATION SERVICE for Pastor Trisa Kelly
102322 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Posture of Prayer - Luke 18: 1-14
101622 - Guest Speaker Robert Igarta - Enduring Love - Luke 15:11-32
100922 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A Simple Thank You - Luke 17: 11-19
100222 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Increase Our Obedience - Luke 17: 1-10
092522 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A Tale of Two Men - Luke 16: 19-31
091822 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Faithful in Little, Faithful in Much - Luke 16: 1-13
091122 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - I Once Was Lost - 1 Timothy 1: 12-17
090422 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Budgeting For The Kingdom - Luke 14: 25-35
082822 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples To Be Humble - Luke 14: 7-14
082122 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples to Enter the Narrow Door - Luke 13: 22-30
081422 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples for the Cost of Discipleship - Luke 12: 49-53
080722 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples to be Rich Toward God, Part II - Luke 12:32-40, 47-48
073122 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples to be Rich Toward God - Luke 12: 13-21 NKJV
072422 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples: Praying for Results - Luke 11: 1-13
071722 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples: To Choose the Good Portion - Luke 10:38-42
071022 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples: Who Is My Neighbor? - Luke 10:25-37
070322 - Pastor Ivan Marble - Children's Responsibilities
062622 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples: Preparing the Seventy - Luke 10: 1-12
061922 - Dr. David Wheeler - The Image of a Father - Luke 15:17-24
061222 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples to be Salt and Light - Matthew 5:13-16
060522 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples: Pentecost! - Acts 2: 1-11
052922 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Christian Memorials - Acts 15: 1-21 NLT
052222 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples: The Gift of Peace - John 14: 23-29 NLT
051522 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples: A New Commandment - John 13:31-35
050822 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Jesus Prepares His Disciples: My Sheep Hear My Voice - John 10:27-30
050122 - Guest Speaker: Pastor Gale Hency - A Modern-Day Bible Story - Matthew 6:1-4
042422 - Guest Speaker: Pastor Dave Marble
041722 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - After The Cross: Resurrection Day - John 20:1-9
041022 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: The New Covenant - Luke 22:14 - 23:56
Our apologies there is no recording for this week.
040322 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: Jesus the Judge - John 8:1-11
032722 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: Two Lost Sons - Luke 15: 1-3; 11-32
032022 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: Parable of the Fig Tree - Luke 13:1-9
031322 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: Jesus Transfigured - Luke 9:28-36
030622 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: Jesus in the Wilderness - Luke 4:1-13
022722 - Pastor Ivan Marble
022022 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: Do I Have To? - Luke 6:27-38
021322 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to the Cross: Jesus Selects the Twelve - Luke 6:17, 20-26 NLT
020622 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Fishers of Men - Luke 5:1-11
013022 - Pastor Robert Igarta
012322 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: New Year, New Intentions - 1 Corinthians 12: 12-18, 27 NLT
011622 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: Jesus' Anointing Revealed - John 2:1-22 and 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
010922 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Epiphany: Salvation for the Gentiles
010222 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to Jesus Series: Where's Jesus?
122621 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to Jesus Series: Where's Jesus? - Luke 2:41-52
121921 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to Jesus Series: Waiting With Expectation - Luke 2:21-22; 25-40
121221 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to Jesus Series: You're Co-Opting My Plan - Matthew 1: 18-25
120521 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - On the Way to Jesus Series: Surprise! It's Never Too Late - Luke 1: 18-19
112821 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - A Life of Thanksgiving - Matthew 25: 31-46
112121 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Righteous & Just God - Deuteronomy 32: 3-4
111421 - Pastor Robert Igarta - Staying Focused in a Fuzzy World
110721 - Pastor Ivan Marble - Being A World Class Christian - Jonah 3:10-10, 4:1-4, 11
103121 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Gracious God - Psalm 86:15
102421 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Merciful God - Ephesians 2:4-5
101721 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Loving God - 1 John 4:7-8
101021 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Holy God - Revelation 15:4
100321 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Good God - Psalm 34:8
092621 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Faithful God - Deuteronomy 7:9
091921 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Omniscient and Omnipresent God - Hebrews 4:13
091221 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - INFINITE GOD, Part II: Omnipotent God - Matthew 19:26
090521 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - INFINITE GOD, Part I - Job 11:7
082921 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Discipline of Practicing the Sabbath - Exodus 20:8-11
082221 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Discipline of Stewardship - Psalm 24:10
081521 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Discipline of Service - 1 Peter 4:10
080821 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Discipline: Soul Friendship - Fellowship With The Saints - Proverbs 27:17
080121 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Spiritual Discipline: Studying God's Word - 2 Timothy 3:16-17
072521 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Let Us Come Boldly To God's Throne - Hebrews 4:15-16
071821 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Let Us Hold To What We Believe - Hebrews 4:11-14
071121 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - Let Us Enter God's Rest - Hebrews 4:1-11
070421 - Pastor Trisa Kelly - FREEDOM - Galatians 5:13-15